Unfinished Story: Ascension
Speaker: Joe Haack Series: Unfinshed Story- Advent 2018 Topic: Advent Passage: Acts 1:6–11
What do the final parting words from Jesus before his ascension have to say to our struggles?
other sermons in this series
Dec 23
Unfinished Story: Galatians
Speaker: Joe Haack Passage: Galatians 4:4–5 Series: Unfinshed Story- Advent 2018
Dec 9
Unfinished Story: Ezra
Speaker: Joe Haack Passage: Ezra 3:10–13 Series: Unfinshed Story- Advent 2018
Dec 2
Unfinished Story: Nehemiah
Speaker: Joe Haack Passage: Nehemiah 13 Series: Unfinshed Story- Advent 2018