

“Let the children come to me for theirs is the kingdom of God.”

Jesus said these words to misguided disciples who tried to stop children from bothering him, but Jesus wants all of his followers to be more like children, approaching him with the same uninhibited delight and affection. Because of this, we want Hope to be a community where kids are celebrated and encouraged to run after Jesus.



We teach kids to explore God’s Story in age-appropriate and memorable ways. Each week they will hear the good news about Jesus in the language of childhood and discover how the whole Bible points to him.


We aim to animate our children’s hearts with the warmth and joy of the gospel. We want them to experience the welcome of Jesus.


We demonstrate Christian life to our kids in tangible ways and engage them in gospel practices like prayer, service, hospitality, and Sabbath rest—deep habits of joyful response to the good news of God’s Kingdom.

Our Commitment to Child Protection

As a GRACE certified church, we do all we can to protect the vulnerable, care for those who are survivors, and hold abusers accountable.

Learn more about our Child Protection Policy →



  • Nursery: 0-3 years old
  • Pre-K: 3-5 years old
  • Elementary: K-2nd grade
  • OKC (Older Kids Class): 3rd-5th grade


Checking in to Hope Kids

Every child participating in Hope Kids must be checked in and out by an adult caregiver via our electronic check-in system. Be sure to stop by the iPad at the entryway of our main worship space to register your child and receive check-in/nametag stickers. The nursery and classroom spaces for Hope Kids are each accessible via the main hallways on the first floor of the 4-H Center.

Nursery care is available at any time during Sunday morning worship, while Pre-K, Elementary, and OKC students are dismissed to their classrooms from the worship service during the passing of the peace. These classes continue until the end of the service, after which children must be picked up by the adult who checked them in. To pick up your child from the nursery or a classroom, just show your sticker, which will coincide with your child’s nametag.

A few other things to know:

  • Parents are welcome to spend time with their child in our nursery space or pop in and out as needed; babies must be able to sit upright on their own to stay in nursery without a parent.
  • Diapers must be changed by a parent or legal caregiver. Caregivers will be texted at the number provided at registration if this is a need during service.
  • Recently ill children are asked to wait to rejoin Hope Kids activities until they have been symptom-free for at least 24-hours prior to Sunday morning.


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Hope Youth

Youth in 6th-12th grades are encouraged to participate in the entire worship experience on Sunday mornings, including the sermon. With parental permission, they can also serve on one of Hope’s ministry teams, including Hope Kids.

Starting in Fall 2023, Hope will offer a regular youth group outside of Sunday worship to continue the faith formation of youth in middle school and high school. More information about this is forthcoming, but please contact Wes Piehl (wes@hopechurchcolumbus.org) if you have any questions.

Questions? Interested in Volunteering?

Volunteers are committed to the safety and security of all Hope Kids, both within and outside of church sponsored events and gatherings. If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Wes Piehl (wes@hopechurchcolumbus.org).
