We are a church of home groups
We believe life is best lived together, in a community of believers seeking the truth and grace of Jesus. Right now, we have four groups meeting regularly each month on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Monthly Student Lunch
4th SUNDAY of the month after church
Hosts: Joe & Josie Haack
Contact: joe@hopechurchcolumbus.org
Location: 888 Timberman Rd., Columbus OH 43212
In light of our value, "the intersection of church and campus" we seek to offer simple hospitality to our college and graduate students. Folks from Hope will be providing a home cooked meal immediately following worship service.
Upper Arlington
Sundays at 6:00pm
Leaders: Ryan & Amanda Hullinger; John & Juliana Crist
Hosts: Zack & Jill Prout (2548 Welsford, Columbus OH 43221)
Contact: hullingeramanda@gmail.com
1st Sunday of the month: Dinner with kids and adults
All other Sundays: adult Bible study (no child care)
Bible study and prayer; Focusing on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew this Fall.
Upper Arlington
Wednesdays at 7:30pm
Leaders: Aaron & Elisabeth Badenhop
Contact: elisabeth.badenhop@gmail.com
(574) 536-8679
Hosts: Ryan & Bernadette McNamara
Location: 910 Faculty Dr. 43221
Spiritual Formation