Sunday, February 23rd: 5 pm Evening Worship @Scarlet City Church

Not just near the campus, but for the campus

Hope exists to extend the welcome of Jesus in Columbus. We are made up of people who live in various neighborhoods around the city. Yet, several years ago we realized that God is calling us to be a church that does not just happen to meet near OSU campus (here is where to find us), but that we would be a church that is for campus. 

Among the folks that call Hope their home are OSU faculty, staff, graduate, and undergraduate students. The university plays an integral and significant role in the life of the city of Columbus, and Hope desires to partner with God’s redemptive work on campus and in the city more broadly.

This is why Hope is a church partner with the ministry of Cru at The Ohio State University. Cru is a Christian para-church organization with a presence in countries all around the world, and a presence at OSU since the late 1950’s. Cru’s mission is to help everyone at OSU to know someone who truly follows Jesus Christ. Many of Hope’s leaders are Cru alumni who benefited greatly from their time in Cru.

Hope desires to come alongside and to complement Cru in its mission, and to extend the welcome of Jesus into the local church. We anticipate that God will work through these partnerships so that a surprising number of people in Columbus and on campus will have a surprising encounter with hope that can only be found in Jesus.

