Sunday, February 23rd: 5 pm Evening Worship @Scarlet City Church

October 15, 2017

Hope That Looks to Jesus

Speaker: Joe Haack Series: Why Hope? Topic: Hope Passage: Hebrews 12:1–2

Hope is best understood as faith looking forward. How do we look forward especially when present circumstances tempt us to bail?

other sermons in this series

Sep 24


Hope Forms Community

Speaker: Joe Haack Passage: Ephesians 4:1–6 Series: Why Hope?

Sep 17


Hope Enables Honesty

Speaker: Joe Haack Passage: Psalm 130:1–8 Series: Why Hope?

Sep 10


Facing (Hard) Reality with Hope

Speaker: Joe Haack Passage: Romans 5:1–8 Series: Why Hope?