Partnering with Cru at OSU & The Thompson Institute

This partnership is an expression of Hope's mission to extend the welcome of Jesus in the city, particularly to undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, staff, and administrators at OSU campus. 


Cru at OSU

Cru has been a para-church ministry at The Ohio State University since 1957, with the mission of helping every person in the OSU campus community to know someone that truly follows Jesus. Yet, an emerging obstacle in this mission on campus is the perception and experience that professors and scholars in the academy do not, and ought not, follow Jesus. 

Many students and faculty have concluded that faith in Christ is not only unreasonable, but is opposed to true scholarship and to the common good. Students and faculty that are Christians can often feel that they don't belong at the university, and that their faith in Christ should either be rejected or kept private. Non-believing students can be left finding the Christian faith unbelievable or unattractive. 



The Thompson Institute

The Thompson Institute (TTI), a program of Cru® at Ohio State, is a network of Christian scholars and professors (some of whom are members at Hope) that seeks to convey the wisdom, beauty, love, and truth of the Christian faith to the campus community and beyond.

Aaron Badenhop, a long-time staff member with Cru and an elder at Hope Presbyterian Church, founded The Thompson Institute in January 2018 to help give voice to respected Christian professors and scholars in the university setting, and to overcome skepticism and other barriers to God’s mission on campus. TTI does this by hosting events, publishing “The Walk” podcast, connecting students with faculty, and more.



Hope’s Partnership

Hope Church supports the Badenhops and their ministry with Cru and the Thompson Institute. As Hope Church extends the welcome of Jesus through partnership with Cru and TTI, we desire to be a church home to many and to seek the welfare of the city and the campus.



The Badenhops

Aaron & Elisabeth Badenhop (and their daughters, Brooke & Molly) have been privileged for over 15 years to serve on staff with Cru, ministering to students and faculty at Ohio State. Aaron received a Master of Divinity degree from Ashland Theological Seminary, is the program director for The Thompson Institute, an elder at Hope Presbyterian Church, Doctor of Ministry candidate at Portland Seminary of George Fox University, and associate director with Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA) in Columbus, Ohio. 


Interested in learning more?

Please feel free to reach out to Aaron at, or learn more by exploring the websites below.


The Badenhops

The Badenhops have been privileged for more than 15 years to serve on staff with Cru, ministering to students and faculty at Ohio State. This site shares about their family and their work on campus.

Learn more:


The Thompson Institute

Ohio State is a marketplace of ideas. Those ideas that are embraced have influence well beyond the campus. The Thompson Institute thoughtfully engages these popular and important ideas on campus.

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Cru at OSU

a caring community that’s passionate about introducing people to a real relationship with Jesus Christ and learning what it means to live a life led by Him.

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Christian Medical & Dental Associations

Founded in 1931, CMDA longs to see transformed doctors transforming the world. It provides programs and services supporting its mission to "change hearts in healthcare."

Learn more: