Sunday, February 23rd: 5 pm Evening Worship @Scarlet City Church


In our passage for Sunday (Luke 4:16-30), Jesus returns to his hometown of Nazareth. He attends the local worship gathering, which was his habit. He is asked to read from Isaiah. His reading is a powerful promise about God one day making all things right. As he sits down (which is the posture of a teacher) he simply explains that Isaiah's promise is fulfilled "right here and right now." Everyone is amazed and experience a hometown-pride that God would use "their Jesus" in this way.

But suddenly things take a turn. Jesus anticipates that his hometown friends and family will reject him, especially when they realize that God's rescue is for everyone who knows their need (not just Israel). He brings up two major prophets in Israel's history: Elijah and Elisha. In their own day and in their own way, they were used by God to bless extreme outsiders... who admited their need. This Bible lesson from Jesus triggers murderous outrage! But their attempt to derail Jesus' mission does not win: Jesus walks through it. His ministry of deep and surprising reversal must continue to the very end, when he cries victory on the cross: "It is finished!" 

Most of us are very familiar with Jesus. But we are never scandalized or surprised by him. Why might this be? 


A playlist of our musical worship for this Sunday. We look forward to singing these songs with you!