Friday Night Prayer // Getty Hymn Sing
March 25, 20201/ Friday Night Prayer
We want to join in prayer as often as we can these days. Please join us every Friday night at 7pm for Friday Night Prayer. We will be using Zoom to gather together and pray in real time for the global church, worldwide current events, our nation and leaders, those suffering, our families, friends, and enemies. We will also be able to share personal requests and thanksgivings. We don't anticipate this prayer meeting going longer than an hour - but you are free to drop in and drop out whenever. Find the link on the front page of our website to join in.
2/ Family Hymn Sing Live - Keith and Kristyn Getty
Keith and Kristyn Getty (with their 4 little girls) are live-streaming a recurring night of worship on Tuesday evenings. If you don't know the Getty's they have been crafting amazing modern hymn for decades. From the Gettys: "Looking forward to a family hymn sing at 8:15pm EST this Tuesday night. Join us live on Facebook and if you can’t at that time you can watch it after! Follow this link to grab the lyrics beforehand and use this video to learn the motions for His Mercy is More!"