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Happy Easter Hope Kids! 

Today we celebrate that Jesus is alive! When Jesus died, everyone was so sad and afraid. Have you ever felt sad and afraid? When friends went to see Jesus in the tomb, an angel appeared and said "Do not be afraid!”. Did you know that when Jesus was on the cross, he felt all of our fear? And when God raised Jesus from the dead, the power of fear was destroyed. Because of what Jesus did on Easter, no matter how afraid we might feel, we know that Jesus' perfect love brings peace to the the world.

He is Risen!


Song Videos

We Know


Jesus Thank You



Bible Story

 Jesus' Crucifixion & Resurrection 



Activity & Coloring Pages

Jesus' Crucifixion & Resurrection Activity Page- Preschool

Jesus' Crucifixion & Resurrection Activity Page- Young Kids

Jesus' Crucifixion & Resurrection Activity Page- Older Kids

He is Risen Coloring Page