Women's Adventure Weekend
September 13, 2024 to September 15, 2024
All Day
Coordinator: Rachel Longo
Welcome!! We will be camping at “Adventures on the Gorge” in Lansing, WV on Friday and Saturday nights. While the sites do not have electricity, our site is very near a nice bathhouse with individual bathrooms that include a toilet, sink, shower, and electrical outlets.
Hope is providing all Saturday meals, Sunday breakfast, and our campsites. This means that you can come on this trip for FREE! We will be relaxing a bit at the campsite and at the river, as well as hiking around to take in the beauty of the area. The optional “adventure” activity you can participate in is stand up paddle boarding on Saturday morning – you will be responsible for the cost of this activity and tipping the guide.
Please note that we will NOT be white water rafting as part of Hope’s Women’s Adventure Weekend this year.
Please, please reach out to directly to Rachel Longo (614-582-0403/rachel.anne.longo@gmail.com) if you were hoping to raft on this trip!